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Zawiadomienie zgodnie z art. 13 rozporządzenia (UE) 2016/679. Dane dostarczone przez wypełnienie niniejszego formularza będą przetwarzane w formie papierowej i elektronicznej. Twoje dane będą wykorzystywane wyłącznie w odpowiedzi na Twoje zapytania. Twoje dane nie będą przekazywane ani ujawniane stronom trzecim. Administratorem danych jest CAREL Industries S.p.A., z którym można się skontaktować w celu wykonania uprawnień, o których mowa w art. 15-22 rozporządzenia (UE) 2016/679. Aby wyświetlić pełne zestawienie, przejdź do: noty prawnej

Oświadczam, że przeczytałem i zrozumiałem zawiadomienie zgodnie z artykułem 13 rozporządzenia (UE) 2016/679 i wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych.

Technical support

CAREL offers its customers a team of HVAC/R experts whose specific expertise is based on most diverse HVAC/R application. Professionals whose have in-depth knowledge not only of CAREL’s products, but also on how to use them in the specific application, with reference to both the unit and the overall system. A wealth of experience and professionalism to support customers throughout the entire product life cycle, with suggestions and technical solutions for specific needs or customisations. The CAREL Services team’s offering includes field services, connectivity for digital services, consulting and training, provided around the world thanks to the availability of dedicated technical support and services personnel at every CAREL Group subsidiary and distributor.


 Find your nearest CAREL Services team


The CAREL Services team offers: 

Technical support

Supporting customers through the following activities, and many others: 
- Telephone/email and on-site support for solving on-field/project technical problems;
- consulting in the design of units/systems;
- consulting on the introduction of new technologies or refrigerants;
- consulting for unit/system retrofits;


Field services

Providing information or organising in-field services such as commissioning and maintenance for humidification and refrigeration products, as well as managing warranty requests.



Spare parts

Managing CAREL’s original spare parts requests.




Digital services

Deliver any information or technical support on products and services involved in CAREL’s digital service proposal.




Remote expert

Managing any request relating to remote expert services, including the training courses of the Educational proposal.





Managing all activities relating to the repair of products, from return management to logistical and administrative management of product handling,  up to analysis of malfunction  and finally product repairs.