Reverse osmosis systems

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This product is available in CAREL CPQ, the sizing and selection tool that lets you independently find the right CAREL solutions for you, download the related documentation, receive support, and generate quotes and orders.Supplied with mains drinking water, the CAREL reverse osmosis water treatment system produces demineralised water with ideal characteristics for use with CAREL humidifiers and evaporative coolers.
When used with heater and gas-fired humidifiers, demineralised water minimises the build-up of mineral salts and encrustations in the boilers, consequently reducing maintenance and eliminating downtime. In adiabatic humidifiers, demineralised water avoids fouling of the nozzles, the build-up of mineral salts in air handling units (filters and droplet separators) and the introduction of mineral dust into the humidified environments: consequently the hygiene of ventilation systems is improved, as the RO water has been purified of all bacteria and pollutants.What is reverse osmosis?This is a technique in which the water being purified is pumped at high pressure and forced through a semi-permeable membrane with pores smaller than 0.001 μm in diameter: the majority of the dissolved ions are filtered by the membrane, thus producing relatively pure water. The removal of minerals, measured as a percentage of the original mineral content, may vary from 95% to 99% and even higher. Automatic operation and reduced operating costs (electricity required to pump the water) make the use of this technique quite extensive. Note however that reverse osmosis systems are not ideal for treating water that is very hard and/or with significant quantities of contaminants: in these cases, to extend the operating life of the membrane, the water is pre-treated (filtering, deferrization, etc.).Create a free account and access CAREL CPQ now.-
Easy maintenance/commissioning
WTS is pre-calibrated, so as to get up and running very quickly. The automatic “flushing” procedure extends membrane life and minimises maintenance.
Water saving
Recirculation of a portion of the concentrate makes it possible to use up to 30% less mains water compared to the previous generation WTS compact.
Safety and reliability of the application
The specific conductivity of the reverse-osmosis water is shown on the display, and a warning is signalled if it exceeds the set limit.