Szkolenia CAREL dotyczące najlepszego wykorzystania technologii i systemów aplikacji HVAC/R
Dzięki termodynamicznemu know-how i znajomości najbardziej zaawansowanego oprogramowania i technologii cyfrowych, propozycja edukacyjna CAREL zaoferuje szeroki zakres kursów szkoleniowych, nie tylko dedykowanych klientom i partnerom, szczególnie skoncentrowanych na narzędziach i produktach CAREL, ale także każdemu operatorowi/użytkownikowi na rynku HVAC/R, który jest zainteresowany poszerzeniem swojej wiedzy na temat nowych technologii i związanych z nimi przepisów.
Szkolenia na temat produktów CAREL obejmują szeroką gamę oferowanych rozwiązań, w tym oprogramowanie programistyczne, systemy lokalnego nadzoru, portale chmurowe i nawilżanie; jego celem jest przekazanie uczestnikom wiedzy na temat technologii produktów i ich optymalnej konfiguracji.
Uzyskanie autonomii w korzystaniu z narzędzi i produktów CAREL poprzez szczegółowe szkolenie umożliwia usprawnienie działalności, niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o projektowanie, instalację, konfigurację, usługi terenowe, czy po prostu korzystanie z produktów.
Szkolenie ogólne z zakresu nowych technologii, certyfikatów i przepisów jest otwarte dla wszystkich, dając możliwość zdobycia konkretnej wiedzy w zakresie poruszanych tematów, a także osiągnięcia wzrostu w sektorze HVAC/R.
Uczestnicy kursów Carel z calego świata będą mogli dyskutować i wymieniać się doświadczeniem podczas wydarzeń szkoleniowych.
Szkolenia CAREL

Development software
Zaprojektowane, aby umożliwić uczestnikom samodzielne opracowywanie niestandardowych aplikacji, kursy te zapewniają pełny przegląd funkcji narzędzia za pomocą ilustracji i ćwiczeń praktycznych.
Dostępne kursy:
- Life cycle of an application project
- c.strategy Editor: creating parameters, using function blocks, and enabling device operation
- c.mask Editor: creating user interface pages
- Editor: I/O configuration definition and management, protocols
- c.factory Editor: project loading and update management
- Debugging
- Introduction to the Web Server (pGDweb and Web trends)
- Introduction to development guidelines
Lang: IT
11-13 February 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
17-19 June 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
7-9 October 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
Lang: EN
25-27 March 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
21-23 October 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time.
- Project management; Basic widgets; Display objects based on a condition; Widget animation through wizard and Java script (intro);
- Create widgets from scratch and modify library widgets;
- Manage languages and translations;
- How to embed generic HTML code;
- How to create a new web page and move from one to another;
- Presentation of c.web project templates (“Project template c.web”).
Lang: IT
14 February 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
20 June 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
10 October 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
Lang: EN
28 March 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
24 October 2025 - 9:00 - 18.00
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time.
STone Tool - basic course
- Application project life cycle
- Strategy editor: parameters, control strategies, function blocks, enable the operation of a device, manage protocols, alarm management, manage the built-in Datalogger, uom management, etc
- User Interface editor: how to create a new screen
- Debugging
- Implementation of a test plan using "Automatic Tests"
- Library management: use, creation, editing
- Controller firmware update
- Introduction to development guidelines
Lang: IT
3-6 March 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
9-12 June 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
15-18 September 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
1-4 December 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
Lang: EN
12-16 May 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
14-17 July 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
13-16 October 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time. Dates may be subject to change. Any modifications will be indicated in the registration form provided upon request for participation.
STone Commissioning Tool - basic course
- Overview of commissioning tools
- Explanation of the workflow that is common to all commissioning tools
- How to create the "workspace"
- Definition of Configurations, Profiles, Parameter descriptions, Tags
- Export the workspace and upload to the "Content Manager" cloud portal
- Packet Coordinates
- Basic use of commissioning tools: Spark, Sparkly, APPLICA Desktop, APPLICA Mobile
Lang: IT
7 March 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
13 June 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
19 September 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
5 December 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
Lang: EN
17 May 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
18 July 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
17 October 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time. Dates may be subject to change. Any modifications will be indicated in the registration form provided upon request for participation.

SCADA cloud system
Are you looking for a flexible and innovative SCADA solution to develop building monitoring projects? Contact us to join our Italian network of system integrators and access complete training on the Kiona Web Port solution.
Available courses:
Web Port by Kiona
- Introduction to the course and Web Port installation/upgrade on Hybrid Cloud
- Basic settings
- Create, connect and manage IO devices & tag lists
- Create catalogues and pages
- Symbol library
- Other functions in edit mode
- Alarm management
- Time scheduling
- Script
- User, group and permission management
- Trends
- Alarm notification and IO device troubleshooting
- Collections & end user
- Connect the Hybrid connector (node) to the portal
Lang: IT
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA training courses in a webinar format, and times to Central European Time.

Systemy nawilżania
Kursy dotyczące systemów nawilżania są zarezerwowane dla partnerów serwisowych CAREL i są podzielone na podstawowe i zaawansowane. Kurs podstawowy zapewnia wszechstronny przegląd aplikacji i wszystkich czynności wymaganych do ich uruchomienia, konfiguracji, konserwacji i nadzoru; obejmuje szeroką gamę rozwiązań CAREL, od nawilżaczy izotermicznych, przez adiabatyczne, po systemy uzdatniania wody. Kurs zaawansowany bardziej szczegółowo omawia techniczne aspekty tematów poruszanych w kursie podstawowym. Kurs szkoleniowy dotyczący DigitalHUM, portalu CAREL w chmurze poświęconego nadzorowaniu nawilżaczy, może być udostępnionyna żądanie każdemu, kto chce korzystać z portalu.ortal.
Available courses:
Basic humidification systems
- Brief description of application types for different categories of humidifiers: isothermal and adiabatic humidifiers
- Description of the functional features of different types of humidifiers
- Technical installation considerations on both the units and the location
- Commissioning procedures and checklists, including the complete list of configuration parameters
- Troubleshooting and describing types of warning or alarm signals generated by humidifiers according to requests for routine and special prevention or remedial maintenance
- Configuring and using the DigitalHUM digital portal
Lang: IT
on request
Lang: EN
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time.
Advanced humidification systems
- Introduction to the new models added to the Humidification Catalogue
- Any updates or technical information on existing humidifiers
- Advanced troubleshooting and description of the types of warning or alarm signals generated by the humidifiers, based on the request of ordinary or extra ordinary, preventive or restorative maintenance
(the course programme may change in accordance with the releases and updates available at the time the course is to be run).
Lang: IT
on request
Lang: EN
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time.
DigitalHUM Cloud Portal
- DigitalHUM overview
- Introduction to the features, and presentation of the portal with live demos and use cases
- Documentation and references
- Configuration guide
Lang: IT
on request
Lang: EN
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA training courses in a webinar format, and times to Central European Time.

System lokalnego nadzoru i portale w chmurze
Szkolenia na temat systemów wbudowanych CAREL, mają na celu zapewnienie instalatorom i użytkownikom niezależności w konfiguracji i zarządzaniu różnymi aplikacjami oraz umożliwienie optymalizacji systemu poprzez scentralizowane zarządzanie i nadzór dzięki portalom w chmurze.
Available courses:
Supervisors (boss family)
Learning in detail how to install and configure the supervisors becomes fast, efficient and secure service for your customers, who will thus be able to make the most of their products. Correct configuration includes alarm notifications, automated management of daily activities and more efficient operating costs. The course is dedicated to installers and system integrators.
- Commissioning and initial configuration
- Configuring serial line and communication protocols
- Description of devices and customisation possibilities
- Creating data reports and relevant scheduling
- Setting-up and using notification channels
- Internal rules logic and managing alarms and events
- Scheduled planning of periodic activities
Lang: IT
13 May 2025 - 9:00 - 16:00
7 October 2025 - 9:00 - 16:00
Lang: IT
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time.
Cloud Portals
The in-depth knowledge of the tool provided during the course means cloud portal users will be able to manage the connected systems/sites more efficiently, as well as improve management of the personnel involved in the various related activities.
- Alarm consultation and management
- Consulting recorded data and using reports
- Overview of Service Quality
- Overview of the display and detailed analysis options with dashboards
- IoT Edge integration procedure within the portal and configuration needed for dashboards generation
- Presenting dashboards with a focus on using bookmarks and schedules
- Troubleshooting related to the most common issues
Lang: IT
On request
Lang: EN
28-29 May 2025 - 9:00 - 13:00
19-20 November 2025 - 9:00 - 18:00
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA training courses in a webinar format, and times to Central European Time.
c.web for supervisors (boss family)
For the personnel involved in installing and configuring the supervisors, the knowledge acquired during the course allows them to make the supervisor data immediately available and easy to read for the end user, through quick creation of custom pages using c.web and autonomous creation of maps for individual devices or more complex systems. Topics:
- Presentation of c.web tool
- Installation and first start-up
- Introduction to the c.web interface and its basic functions (projects management; basic widgets; displaying objects based on a condition)
- Example of map creation
Lang: IT
15 May 2025 - 9:00 - 16:00
9 October 2025 - 9:00 - 16:00
Lang: EN
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time.

Kursy szkoleniowe przeznaczone dla instalatorów i użytkowników sterowników CAREL, mające na celu umożliwienie uczestnikom osiągnięcia maksymalnej funkcjonalności i wydajności poprzez dostarczenie wiedzy na temat technologii produktu.
Dostępne kursy:
Advanced configuration of MPX series - MPXzero
The course aims to train the personnel involved in the installation and configuration of the controllers, with details on the features of the devices and new technologies (apps), as well as troubleshooting via app, both mobile and PC. The knowledge acquired during the course will help offer customers an efficient service, both in terms of configuration and support, guaranteeing optimised operating costs due to correct food storage and lower energy consumption.
- MPXzero controller overview
- Description of the controller hardware, I/O layout, external display and optional parts
- Introduction to the main features, description of the display, navigation menu and password, initial configuration (wizard), controller reset
- Basic features of MPXzero
- Advanced features of MPXzero
- Device configuration, overview of Applica for mobile and desktop devices, download and upload configurations, software update, log and alarm management
- Controller configuration in a supervisory system
Participation in both "Advanced configuration of MPX series" courses gives access to a discounted offer.
Lang: IT
on request
Lang: EN
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time.
Advanced configuration of MPX series - MPXone
Aimed at installers, the course provides the knowledge needed to provide customers correct controller configuration and thus optimise their operating costs due to food storage and energy consumption. The course provides specific details on the new features and technologies (apps). It also helps reduce response times in the event of malfunctions, through knowledge of the troubleshooting features via app, both mobile and PC.
- MPXone controller overview
- Description of the controller hardware, I/O layout, external display and optional parts
- Introduction to the main features, description of the display, navigation menu and password, initial configuration (wizard), controller reset
- Basic features of MPXone
- Advanced features of MPXone
- Electronic expansion valve management
- Device configuration, overview of Applica for mobile and desktop devices, download and upload configurations, software update, log and alarm management.
- Controller configuration in a supervisory system
Participation in both "Advanced configuration of MPX series" courses gives access to a discounted offer.
Lang: IT
on request
Lang: EN
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time.
High efficiency solutions (Heos)
- The application’s main software functions
- Tips for machine start-ups
- Troubleshooting examples
- Guide to technical troubleshooting documentation
- Guide to using RHEC Manager SW
- Examples of configuration creation and management (DEV)
- Preventive maintenance through monitoring and analytics systems
Lang: IT
on request
Lang: EN
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA training courses in a webinar format, and times to Central European Time.
pRack: solutions for compressor racks (Basic)
The course provides in-depth knowledge of possible controller configurations and basic features, such as input and output configuration, basic management of compressors and fans, and valve parameter settings for a transcritical CO2 cycle. The main benefits deriving from the course include being independently able to download, convert and upload a configuration and performs basic diagnosis, as well as correctly size a board and configure the controller in a CAREL supervisory system.
- Scope - solution context, differentiation between traditional gases and CO2
- Introduction to the controller - pRack300/300T hardware description, main features, software overview and multi-board configuration
- Example of board sizing with Excel tool
- Installation - commissioning, initial configuration (wizard), menu navigation
- Standard configuration - main parameter settings (compressors, condenser), available options
- pRack control - proportional, proportional+integral and dead band
- pRack300T - introduction to transcritical CO2, basic additional features (HPV and RPRV valve management), correct parameter settings
- DEV file - download/upload a configuration, introduction to RHEC manager, convert a configuration, PC connection tool
- pRack HS - differences and compatibility with the standard pRack series
Lang: IT
19 March 2025 - 9:00 - 16:00
12 November 2025 - 9:00 - 16:00
Lang: EN
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time.
pRack: solutions for compressor racks (Advanced)
The aim of the course is to provide participants with in-depth knowledge of advanced control features, such as heat recovery and oil management, making them able to independently create additional functions, as well as use the RHEC manager. The expertise acquired in management of the controller and its configurations is useful in responding to customer requests, thanks to the ability to use the many extra features available in the software, such as management of a CO2 water chiller, management of backup valves, and synchronisation between lines.
- Advanced configuration of pRack300T compressors - inverter management, configuration of different types of compressors, alarm management, floating suction
- pRack300T advanced fan configuration - inverter management, floating condensing, high pressure prevent function
- pRack300T parallel compressor - scope, single and multi-compressor configuration
- Heat recovery with pRack300T - introduction, available options, passive and active heat recovery, actions, gas cooler bypass
- Other pRack300T functions - DSS function, generic functions, water chiller function with transcritical CO2, backup valve management, oil management
- Ejectors - introduction to ejectors, overview of operation, proposed CAREL solution
- RHEC manager software - software and BIOS upgrade, browser software, monitor internal variables
- pRack HS - differences and compatibility with the standard pRack series
Lang: IT
20 March 2025 - 9:00 - 16:00
13 November 2025 - 9:00 - 16:00
Lang: EN
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA in-person training courses, and times to Central European Time.

Naturalne chłodnictwo i nowa technologia
Szkolenie mające na celu przedstawienie przeglądu technologii naturalnych czynników chłodniczych, a także przepisów i informacji dotyczących bezpieczeństwa.
Dostępne kursy:
Natural refrigerants and new technologies
- Refrigerant regulations in Europe and in the rest of the world
- Safety regulations for using inflammable refrigerants in refrigeration and air conditioning equipment and systems (IEC 60335-2-40, IEC 60335-2-89, ATEX)
- Types of natural refrigerants: CO2 (subcritical and transcritical), propane, and ammonia
Lang: EN
on request
The schedule refers to CAREL Industries SpA training courses in a webinar format, and times to Central European Time.

Indywidualne szkolenia
Kursy szkoleniowe których tematyka dostosowana jest do potrzeb uczestników. Istnieje również możliwość, przy minimalnej liczbie uczestników, zorganizowania dedykowanej sesji szkoleniowej z jednego z kursów w programie edukacyjnym CAREL.
Request information
Browse catalog
Praktyczne informacje
Biorąc udział w szkoleniach możesz uzyskać:
- Certyfikat uczestnictwa
- Materiały szkoleniowe
- Instrukcje CAREL
Courses are available in English or Italian. For other languages, please contact your reference CAREL branch. Dates and times refer to in-person and webinar courses.
Aby zgłosić się na już zaplanowane szkolenie lub na kursy niestandardowe, napisz do Twój oddział referencyjny skontaktuje się z Tobą.