W głównej siedziebie CAREL pracownicy moga się rozwijać i poznawać możliwości rozwoju w różnych obszarach firmy.
Jednoczenie pracownicy mogą zdobywać doświadczenia w innych obszarach niż ich własny oraz brać udział w wewnętrznych rekrutacjach lokalnie i międzynarodowo. Carel mocno wierzy w pracę zespołową jako wielofunkcyjny projekt pozwalający osiągnąć cel.
Praca w CAREL oznacza pracę w dynamicznym i stabilnym środowisku z poczuciem aktywnego udziału w rozwój firmy.
Poznaj swój obszar zainteresowania i wyślij aplikację!
Sprzedaż & Marketing |
Working in the Sales & Marketing area means understanding the markets that CAREL operates in (Air-conditioning, Refrigeration, Retail, Climate): being part of an international team that strives to expand CAREL’s presence around the world, helping to conceive new products and devising the best solutions for our customers. |
Product Development |
Working in the CAREL Research and Development area in means enjoying the opportunity to develop within a highly technological and innovative context. The ideal candidates are people who are passionate and curious, always up-to-date with the most advanced technology, and capable of finding adequate and innovative ideas and solutions to respond to customer and market needs.
Operations |
Working in Operations at CAREL means understanding and implementing a cutting-edge lean manufacturing process, using production methods and technologies that are developed in-house, improved and continually made more efficient, with uniform quality standards in all of the Group’s plants. CAREL’s internationalisation and expansion around the world entail continual new challenges from an organisational and logistical viewpoint. |
Human Resources |
Working in the Human Resources area at CAREL means making an active contribution to the company’s development and success, with the awareness that the company’s most important asset is its people. Possibilities for growth within this area involve management, with skills relating to recruitment, training, development and remuneration, and administration, with a focus on regulatory and contractual aspects. |
Finance/Accounting |
Working in the CAREL Finance/Accounting area means analysing business management and developing new ways to provide periodical information and analysis that is of value to senior management and necessary for running the company. A company structure that spans all five continents, with different regulations and operating procedures, makes the opportunity of working in this team even more stimulating. Development possibilities in this area involve Management Control and Accounting/Finance, both of which are administered at an international level. |
Information Technology |
Working in the CAREL ICT area means seeking and implementing standard solutions in a technological and functional context, solutions that are shared across the entire Carel group, with a view to continual improvement, as well as providing consulting and support in the development of new products and services, increasingly aimed at meeting customer needs, with solutions based on the latest technologies. Possibilities for growth within this area are both technological and functional in nature. |
Quality |
Working in the Quality area at CAREL means acquiring a complete overview of the company’s processes, understanding in detail the mechanisms that drive the company and that contribute to its improvement. Multifunctional teams working in contact with customers and suppliers at an international level, every day standardise and anticipate needs and problems through the analysis, review and proposal of innovative solutions for improvement. Development possibilities within this area consist in being able to examine quality issues in detail, based on experiences with different company processes (Operations, R&D, S&M). |
Lean Development Office |
Working at the Carel “Lean Development Office” means being committed, on a daily basis, to innovating the company and making change your challenge, putting yourself to the test and succeeding in managing relationships with different organisations and people. |